1. Sometimes you just need to agree to disagree. In a loving way. – Tami Burr
2. Always remember to kiss him goodnight. – Mom
3. Talk about everything, don’t go to bed angry, and when in doubt, just laugh. – Suzy Haner
4. Work as a team. That is what makes a marriage work. – Aunt Suzie
5. A good marriage is like growing grapes- the more you give the more you get. – Nana
6. Just let go- in the grand scheme of life it probably doesn’t matter. – Laura Kealey
7. Recognize the things you can change, the strength to accept the things you can’t.
8. Communication is critical- prayer more so- you are about to enter the most exciting and wonderful time of your life. God bless you! –Sue Martin
9. Pick and choose your fights.
10. Have fun! Make time for dates, vacations, and quiet evenings together. Don’t let the hustle and bustle of life get in the way of connecting! Eat dinner together regularly! – Kim Statzer
11. Your husband is always right. – Grandma
12. Don’t fight over little things.
13. Don’t go to bed angry with one another. Tickle his feet and blow in his ear. It clears the air every time. – Lynne Jones
14. Bloom where you’re planted. – Aunt Lanie
15. Date – often.
16. Words of wisdom- Hide the remote! – Marie Metz
17. Be an encourager to Philip. He’ll love being praised and know he is loved. – Lyda
18. Never go to bed mad. – Trudy
19. Always dance together, at least once a night! – Kathie
20. Love, above all else. Keep God in the center always.
21. Don’t “stuff it” because “it” will pop up later and will take hours if not days to unravel- “communicate.” - Suzanne Parish
22. Don’t break up!! –Julia
23. Have an affair with your spouse before someone else does! –Sandy Prichard
24. Don’t ever start taking out the garbage.
25. Don’t forget even hot dogs look good by candlelight. – Mason Erikson
26. Love is a choice. When things get a little tough always choose to love.
27. Have patience with one another. –Titi
28. Remember- the woman is always right!!!
29. Never give up! No matter what.
30. Laugh often.
31. Never go to bed angry with each other. Use the words “I’m sorry” freely.
32. All the cute things he does now…will be annoying in ten years. – Karilyn
33. Keep short accounts and forgive quickly! – Deborah
34. Make him spoil you. You deserve it.
35. Never take one another for granted.
36. Compromise is the key to success and a loving relationship.
37. Learn something new together. Salsa dancing perhaps?
38. Have more than one child.
39. Always remember to keep the communication lines open! – Cindy Perkins
40. Keep working at it- it’s worth it!
41. Always be available and always participate (or as much as you can).
42. Pick your fights..don’t let the sun go down on your anger. Say “I love you” every night at bedtime. – Gail Turner
43. No matter what! Don’t give up, don’t quit, just stick with it. Time and years together, no matter how difficult, will make best friends, sweet lovers, and good companions in the later years.
44. Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb- that’s where the fruit is! – Farrah
45. Congratulations on the beginning of the rest of your life. Never feel like divorce is your only option. God always has a good solution when problems seem so overwhelming. Right now you are so in love but as cares of life begin you will not always feel that way. So remember God has the answer. – Leigh Ann Needham
46. Plan and follow through with romance. Men don’t do this well but love to participate. He cannot read your mind. Tell him what you need and want. The man is the head but the woman is the neck to turn the head. You’re responsible to help guide. He needs you! – Laurie Brookes
47. Always be joyful, and talk things over. Talk at the dinner table instead of quietly eating. – Mama (Sarah Anne Pearl)
48. Marriage is fun. Remember that, even when you have kids and have to grow up quickly. Make sure you both spend time together and just be kids yourselves! Also, try and take part in one of Phil’s hobbies. It shows him love and you will be surprised with what you learn and how much love it shows him! – Tina Jones
49. They told me to keep it clean, but…Always kiss him good morning and good night. Touch as much as possible. Hold hands while watching tv or strolling in the stores, etc. The rewards will last a lifetime. – Heather
50. Don’t let arguments continue. Go to separate rooms and pray- not that he would see your point of view, but that you would see God’s view. Say “I love you” at least once a day and make up your own love signals. – Alida Lewis
51. You have an anointed and powerful role in your new family. As a “keeper at Home” – a keeper of the door- sensitive to what is going on in the natural and the spiritual. Your sage wisdom and prayerful intercessions will help powerfully direct and keep your family kept in the plans, purposes, and blessings of the Lord. And always remember… You are very loved!!! And carefully chosen for this awesome task in loving your husband and children- and advancing God’s Kingdom in your home and beyond! – Sandi Haner
52. Be holy and blameless and radiant. Laugh till your belly hurts. Know that you are loved. – Cinelle
53. Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be given to you (allelu, alleluia). – Vanessa Novak
54. Whenever you get upset and freak out on him remember he is a great guy that puts up with all your crap! – Kim
55. A couple that prays together, stays together! – Farrah
56. Hug every day and you will be happy forever! – Jen
57. Be silly, dance when there’s no music, take lots of pictures, be adventurous, keep your child- like heart playing.
58. Dance naked in front of the mirror, if you must.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wedding Day!

It is finally over! And it was fabulous. The first half of the day was not as enjoyable. I was tired, and I got a flat tire, hated the way the girl at the parlor did my hair, and was running late and therefore forgot certain things. During the ceremony I had a coughing fit, and then afterward at the reception (the cake and punch reception) I felt in a daze. Things didn't look up until we went to take photos with the bridal party at Starrs Mill, which was really fun! Some of my friend's photos came out awesome, so I am excited to see the photographer's pictures. The reception at the Sipple's house was amazingly fun, and we had such a wonderful time eating the BEST barbeque in all of Georgia, and listening to people's speaches and toasts to us, dancing, talking to people, etc. Overall, it wasn't the perfect day, but it was our wedding day - and it was lovely.
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