It is finally over! And it was fabulous. The first half of the day was not as enjoyable. I was tired, and I got a flat tire, hated the way the girl at the parlor did my hair, and was running late and therefore forgot certain things. During the ceremony I had a coughing fit, and then afterward at the reception (the cake and punch reception) I felt in a daze. Things didn't look up until we went to take photos with the bridal party at Starrs Mill, which was really fun! Some of my friend's photos came out awesome, so I am excited to see the photographer's pictures. The reception at the Sipple's house was amazingly fun, and we had such a wonderful time eating the BEST barbeque in all of Georgia, and listening to people's speaches and toasts to us, dancing, talking to people, etc. Overall, it wasn't the perfect day, but it was our wedding day - and it was lovely.
1 comment:
I had no idea you had a bloggy! hehe. yey
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