I love reading other people's blogs, and today I discovered a golden nugget that I should have discovered many years ago when I first heard of it: Stumbleupon.com. You say what categories you are interested in (design, photography, philosophy- to name some of mine) and you click "stumble" and it takes you to random websites that might interest you. I love it. I am going to start a fabulous collection of photos that I found interesting or cute. Here are some:

My nephews came over last night for dinner and Spiderman 2. Phil showed them photo booth, and they LOVED it, and fought over who would get to sit right in front of the camera. They laughed so much. Here are some of their photos:

Lastly, I am dog sitting right now for a cute little dog who decided to pee on my bed this morning. He is not allowed in our room (because he peed on the bed once before) but Phil opened the door to come in and say goodbye to me this morning, and in a flash, he jumped up onto our bed. Phil said "NO, BO!" and the little dog got scared and leaked a little on the pillow and sheets. Then he proceeded to hide in the bathroom behind the toilet. I just ate a piece of steak in front of him and gave him ZERO! HAH! That ought to teach him (though, sadly, it won't).
Here is Bo when he is being good and cooperative:

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