Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Drowning Baby!

Last night I had a really cool dream...

I was part of a police chase! I was on a street that looked like in Savannah- River Street. It was a long street, right on the water. I was watching a police chase... A bad guy was getting into a boat, holding a baby. He was being chased by several police officers. He started driving the boat, and a few of the police officers dove into the water (because they didn't have a boat) and started to swim after him. I dove in also, knowing I was most likely a better swimmer than them. I swam so fast, and caught up with the guy in the boat. As I caught up to his boat, he took the baby and threw it to a woman in a nearby boat, but the baby did not make it that far and ended up in the water. I swam over to the baby, and watched it slowly sink down in the water. I took a deep breath and plunged down into the dark blue water and grabbed the baby, saving his life.

Later, I was holding the baby in a restaurant, telling people the story of what happened to the baby. At one point, I started weeping so hard with compassion. That is all I remember.


I got input from someone about this dream! His interpretation was very encouraging:

"Cool dream! So, you have new spiritual authority that is really quite effective. Where other's have failed (in the past) to protect new things (ministries, etc.?) or maybe aren't prepared you are able to "jump in" and get it done. You have some real discernment these days so trust it!

I love that this is becoming your testimony, and it is quite compelling."


Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

You are always a hero in your dreams, it seems. That's really wonderful.

Sahara said...


Not always! I have a lot of dreams of being chased, which usually means the enemy is trying to instill fear in me! However, my dreams from God are usually very encouraging, I see myself the way He sees me, and hopefully see what He is trying to say to me.