Monday, February 02, 2009


This past weekend, Philip and I went to a class at our church that was all about dream/vision interpretation. It was pretty interesting, and I learned a bit. One thing we were encouraged to do is to write down our dreams. Well, turns out, the second night of the course, I had a pretty cool dream and Phil's mom gave me an interpretation. I figured I'd write it down because I'd like to remember it.

It was daytime, and I was standing on top of a very tall bridge with two other people. There was a voice, someone telling us to jump off the bridge. No one wanted to, but I volunteered to do it. So I dove, head first into the vast body of water below. As I was diving down, I realized that I didn't know how shallow or deep the water was, so I decided to try to fall on my stomach- a belly flop- so that I could prevent possibly hitting my head. I landed on my stomach, but didn't feel the sting of the belly flop. When I resurfaced from the water, it seemed I was in a swimming pool type structure that was in a lake. There was mud and concrete, and I could have hit my head or another body part on it and gotten hurt. Other people had jumped into it from a much lower point. There was a man there who came up to me and told me what I had just done was very dangerous. Then, all the rest of the people in there told me that what I had done was awesome, and inspiring.

So Deborah's interpretation was this: The dive represents my move to Georgia- a bold decision that took guts. I was afraid of possibly getting hurt, so I tried to change my direction, but I ended up not getting hurt. The man who told me that what I did was dangerous represents all of the people who told me not to move here because it was an impulse decision and not very wise. The people who told me it was awesome represent the people who are in my life who encouraged me through the process.

I have a different interpretation, based on some of the things I learned in the course. One thing I learned was that water represents the things of the Holy Spirit. So when I am diving into the water, I am going deeper into the things of the Spirit. Some people think it is stupid for me to do that, and some even give warnings. Others are encouraging and think its inspiring.

Sooooo either way, it's cool. Cause I got to dive off a bridge in my dream. And in reality, I wouldn't do that. I love experiencing things in dreams that I couldn't experience in life. Like flying. I love to fly in my dreams.

The bridge looked just like this one - Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls

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