Thursday, February 05, 2009

Direction, Please?

Why is it always so cold in my apartment? My hands feel like icicles, and this is GEORGIA!! This is supposed to be Hotlanta, and I feel like I am about to get frostbite indoors.

Right now my mood is ambivalent. I am frustrated that certain things in my life are not going as I would have hoped, however, I am excited because Farrah booked a flight and is coming to visit in ten days!

I am frustrated. I need something to focus my time and attention on. I'd love a full time salary position, but thus far it seems that is not going to happen. I might volunteer at a pregnancy crisis soon as I get the guts to go there and check it out. I am also considering foster care (for babies only..) although that is a very long and meticulous process. I'd still be willing, if that is what I am supposed to be doing. I just want to find out what it is that I am meant to be doing with my time and my life. Arghh.

1 comment:

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

it is 10 degrees here. . . .
i suggest to wait a while longer before doing the foster care thing. that is a great idea indeed, but wait at least until you have been married a year, please? i hope you quest for a well paying job comes to an end soon